High wire palaperos

I am very happy with the progress and working standards of my builder.

The new batch doesn’t have the yellow glow I had hoped for but it does look clean and smell fresh, there are even green bits indicating that it has been freshly gathered and is not even dried out completely yet. Can't get much fresher than that. I hum and haw a bit for effect then ok it. They all smile and its up on the deck before you can blink.

While I am working in the kitchen I hear an unnerving yell and then whoop of laughter. I go out and it seems that one of them nearly had a mishap. The incident is greeted with much frivolity by the group and the victim.
Eight to twelve of them spend three days perched on the roof in full sunlight, tying each section in place individually. By Saturday its almost finished. The roof top section and a bit of varnish – and we will be done. Since they have made a good job of the balcony woodwork, I ask if they might be interested in putting together a bit of furniture in the same style and they say they will give it a try. I give them a rough drawing and they will give me a price estimate later.
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